Saturday, May 27, 2006

New shelves!

I've finally put my new shelves up, and I had so much fun deboxing the figures and displaying them!

I still have some to open, and some I'll probably leave in their boxes...

But I'm already worried for the arrival of series 5 figures! I think I'll need another shelf soon!

Friday, May 26, 2006


I'm too happy to say I'm back, finally!

Maybe some of you were wondering where I was gone... I was going to graduate in university and I had a LOT of things to do! My final project needed all my time to be completed, respecting the deadlines... so I had to stay away from all my activities!

I was really getting crazy!

But now I'm back and I'm ready to start again with my blog, providing you with brand new stuff, info, pictures etc etc...

Let's start with a picture of me, this is the graduation day

I'm graduated!!!